Unfreezing Drains in the Winter

Unfreezing Drains in the Winter

Ever had your drains freeze? It’s not an enjoyable experience. It happened to me the first time, and it was not a pleasant day. You start with an overflowing toilet and end up with a $500 plumber bill because you couldn’t be bothered to replace the 10-year-old air conditioner in your crawl space. That was three years ago, but even if my repairs weren’t so expensive, I’m still making sure that my drains never freeze again! Here are some tips from my winterizing arsenal:

What causes frozen drains?

If you’re not already aware of this, your sink and pipes are most likely frozen because of cold water. This can be due to an inadequate supply of hot water or insufficient insulation around the pipe itself. You may also have a blockage somewhere in your plumbing system that causes the cold water to freeze faster than it normally would, preventing any heat from reaching your home’s interior.

Other factors can contribute as well: snow and ice can build up on roofs or gutters, which then transfer into rain spouts and downspouts that connect directly to drainpipes; if you live in an area where winters are milder (or even if they aren’t), ground frost can sometimes build up in areas away from buildings and cause significant damage when thawing season comes along.

And lastly—and perhaps most importantly—the age of one’s building has a lot to do with how quickly it heats up during winter months; older homes that haven’t been properly insulated over time tend not only to attract more moisture but also retain much more heat than newer construction does!

Unfreezing Drains in the Winter
Unfreezing Drains in the Winter Pipe

How do you know if your drains are frozen?

If you wake up to find that your bathtub or sink drain has frozen overnight, you’re likely to have a bit of a mess on your hands. Luckily, there are some easy ways to tell if this is the problem before calling up a specialist and spending hundreds of dollars($) in repairs.

If water stops draining and the cause isn’t something else, such clogged pipes or using too much detergent, there’s a significant likelihood that ice is developing inside your drains. This can result in significant issues for homeowners since, in addition to being unattractive, it also hinders the proper operation of any other appliances linked to these lines, such as toilets.

If it’s essential, use a cheap flashlight or headlamp to see what’s happening down there! By shining a light through each pipe individually, inspect them for any blockages brought on by the accumulation of melting snow and ice from winter storms earlier this year.

What should you do if your drains are frozen?

We’ve all been there: your drain is clogged with ice, and you have to find a way to clear it. Here are some tips from the pros on how to unfreeze drains in the winter:

  • Use a hair dryer to melt the ice
  • Use a plunger or snake (depending on what kind of drain it is)
  • Or, use hot water

How can you prevent frozen drains?

You can avoid the annoyance of frozen drains by following these simple rules:

  • The warmth is on your side. It’s best if you can heat your house up more. Use your wood stove or fireplace if you have one! If not, think about buying some space heaters.
  • Watch out for grease. Grease and other fatty substances can solidify when they come into contact with cold water and cause blockage issues later on down the drainpipe. The best way to prevent this is simply by not putting them down at all—if you must dispose of them (e.g., if they’ve been sitting out too long), pour them into an old container and put it outside until springtime comes around again so that it doesn’t freeze or clog up inside your pipes!
  • Don’t pour hot water down the drain either—it will thaw out any ice buildup but may also damage certain kinds of metal pipes over time due to excessive heat exposure resulting from repeated usage without regular maintenance checks being performed first before using something like WD40 as well as keeping track of how many times per day someone else goes through their routine before finally calling upon our services instead because they don’t want anyone else finding out what happened while they were away last summer/fall semester break when school wasn’t open yet again due two hundred miles away from anywhere else where anything happens here…

Frozen drains can cause a lot of damage, so it’s best to be preventative.

This winter, a lot of things could go wrong in your house. Your laundry area could flood or your pipes could freeze and burst. But one of the most frequent and cunning is freezing drains.

If you’re lucky, you’ll only have a slow drain until winter arrives. However, if you’re unlucky (and let’s face it: we all want to be lucky), water will begin to back up into your sink or bathtub, and you’ll need to call a plumber before things get too out of hand. Here’s how to avoid being caught with your pants down the next time these frozen drains decide to play ice hockey with your bathroom faucet.

Unfreezing Drains in the Winter Conclusion

To summarize, frozen drains can cause significant harm, therefore it’s best to be proactive. The easiest approach to accomplish this is to clean any debris that may become lodged in your drain or to prevent water from freezing in the first place.

Rafael Hegmann
Hegmann Rafael, owner of Drain Service Inc. graduated top of his class in plumbing shop at Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School. He was born and raised in Washington, D.C. Hegmann Rafael conducts research and writes articles on drain and plumbing topics.

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